Blog tagged as Quest for Life

World filled with miscreants,

Venomous serpents lurking in the dark.

Be vigilant,

Traps laid to lure us by bait.


World filled with virtuous too

Pick the pearls from Oysters...

10.11.21 07:54 PM - Comment(s)
Quest For Life - 13

Answer: Due to heavy downpour, people are suffering today in Tamil Nadu. Once on a similar occasion, a young monk in Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai prayed to Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna thus: “Lord, please enable me to serve the people after this terrible cyclone is over”.

On knowing this another monk re...

08.11.21 07:12 PM - Comment(s)
சிந்தனைச் சேவை - 20

* இறைவா! 

கொரோனா வந்த பின்

இயற்கை எழில் கூடியது.

வானம் தெளிவானது.

நதிகள் தூய்மையாயின. 

தெருக்களில் குப்பை இல்லை.

வீடுகள் கோவிலாகின்றன.


* உண்மை. கடவுளே, உன் கருணை கொரோனாவாக வந்ததோ!

புரிகிறது பகவானே!

கொரோனாவும் உனது லீலை என்று.

ஆனால், எங்களைச்  சீர்செய்ய இந்தச் சோதனை

பெரும் வேதனைக்கல்லவா கொண...

26.05.21 04:01 PM - Comment(s)

Answer: Perhaps the old man spoke of removing the uterus in a thoughtless emotional outburst. It is as insane as cutting off the head to get rid of a headache!


It has always been preached by the so called rationalists that women will progress only when the...

18.03.21 08:13 PM - Comment(s)

Answer: In what period of time have there not been critics of the good? It is appreciable if one's freedom of expression stimulates intellect. But if that freedom makes him arrogant and ignorant, he must be given the right answer...... Face the Brute!

Hindus should learn from Muslims and Christians ...

17.03.21 06:58 PM - Comment(s)
