A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur

Quest For Life - 3

30.01.21 08:43 PM By thanjavur

Quest For Life - 3

Swami, How to keep mind always in a lofty level? - Dr.Mathangi, Ernakulam, Kerala

Answer: It is always imperative to acquire a better knowledge about mind rather than knowing about some techniques, nuances and know-hows of mind. Great scriptures and great souls advise us to keep our mind in a sublime level in all diverse conditions. In order to keep mind in a higher level, it seems, we need to focus on three things:


1. Understand that there is a higher state of mind for which every one should aspire to reach. If one acts when mind is in higher level, it becomes beneficial to all including oneself. Many a time, we waste all our energy without understanding how the mind moves on; Swami Vivekananda warns us how we waste our energy in distractions and focusing on unwanted issues. The sooner one finds the methods of keeping the mind in high state the better he / she achieves greater development.


Practice: Pray and read inspiring spiritual and cultural books and try to live accordingly.


2. Petty desires, aimless wandering both within and without, extreme attachment, vain expectation from people, feeling dejected and being without any aim - all these do not allow mind to work properly. We should know how to taste the peace of mind and immerse in that tranquility of mind. Try to be always in the company of those who are in that state of mind with compassion and majesty.


Practice: Don't madly pursue the outside irrelevant events and news and turn yourself into a lifeless object.

Pay attention to focus more on keeping your 'Thoughts Up' than on WhatsApp. Spend at least few minutes everyday to see what happens inside your mind.

3. “Indriyanam manasyami”, - “I am the mind among the five faculties of a human life”- so declares Sri Krishna in Bhagavat Gita. Mind is the sacred faculty but we roam around finding fault with the mind as we don’t understand the greatness of it. You cannot find a better guru than your own mind. All great men strive hard to keep the mind at peace and they also pray for the people around them to be in that higher state of mind.


Practice: Be in the company of great minds. Trust in yourself will lead to trust in God.

Swami Vimurtananda

30 January, 2021

Ramakrishna Math, Thanjavur
